
Since 2013, the Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing (CP3) has fostered multidisciplinary collaboration to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of medication use.  The Center’s focus is on informing the regulation, coverage, and equitable access of pharmaceuticals and improving patient and prescriber decision-making on prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are used by 80% of Americans and are essential in the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic conditions.  The improper, unsafe, and inefficient use of medications leads to billions of dollars of avoidable healthcare costs. 
Center faculty conduct research in several main areas:


Our faculty conduct studies on the effects of medications on population health.  Research areas include adverse events, polypharmacy, drug interactions, and drug safety.  This work assists prescribers, payers, and policy makers to make informed decisions for patient health.

Drug Pricing and Cost

Drug pricing is an increasingly complex, prominent issue.  Our faculty study and highlight the factors involved to provide clarity to patients and stakeholders.  Research conducted examines trends in costs, the roles of payers and benefit managers, and drivers of pharmaceutical prices.

Risk Prediction

Misuse and abuse of opioid medications is epidemic in the United States, resulting in millions of deaths every year.  Our research focuses on identifying patients most at risk of having an overdose or developing problematic opioid use, in order to better target interventions.


Our faculty conduct research that informs ways to increase access to and decrease cost burden from health services and medications and to decrease bias in health care and research.  We are working toward pharmacoequity: a health system where all patients have access to the highest quality, evidence-based medical care.