Suda's Study Quantifies Dentists' Opioid Overprescribing

Photo of Dr. Katie Suda

A new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine describes trends in prescribing opioids among dentists in the United States. The study found that over half of prescriptions exceeded the recommended day's supply of opioids, and nearly 30% exceeded recommended morphine equivalents. CP3's Dr. Katie Suda, lead investigator for the study, explained, "Unlike national trends, opioid overprescribing by dentists is increasing. Our results should initiate a call to action to professional organizations and public health and advocacy groups to improve the guidelines for prescribing opioids for oral pain. As high prescribers of opioids writing prescriptions for a tenth of the opioids dispensed in the US, dentists should be included as part of the multi-faceted solution needed for the opioid epidemic." The study team noted that more research is needed to determine if the pattern of prescribing among dentists changed after the CDC's 2016 changes in prescribing guidelines.